Claro del bosque at Intersticio

Claro del bosque


March 13 - May 22, 2021

Intersticio is pleased to present ‘Claro el Bosque’ the inaugural exhibition of the new space In Madrid at Calle Alcántara 31, a year after the opening of our space in London.

The group exhibition ‘Claro del Bosque’ includes works by Josefina Anjou (SE), Nora Aurrekoetxea (ESP), Lucía Bayón (ESP), Isabella Benshimol (VE), Julia Crehueras (ESP), Diego Delas (ESP), Johanna Odersky (CH), Andrés Izquierdo (ESP), Maren Karlson (DE) and Paul Maheke (FR), exploring the spaces, symbols poetics and rituals involved in the process of the occult, the collective and their healing and empowering force.

‘The clearing in the forest is a center where it is not always possible to enter’1. We cross a verge towards a desire, a dream, a vision, a place for communion and reunion. It is a productive center, but also the start of an exit; a space for conspiration and whisper, where defenseless ghosts, elucubrations of futures and hidden memories navigate.

The access reveals itself as accidental, frontal, at night or during the day, it is a surprise, a futurity. ‘It is the immediate lesson of the clearances in the forest: you don’t have to look for them, neither look for anything from them’2, they will offer themselves to you.

Upholded images appear, recalling encountered lifes, breezes, blindings or reliques from a dream. Unerring spaces lighting a path,
sloped on occasions.
Blind maps shaking us.  

We would not know how we enter,
neither remember the exist,
if a clearing in the forest invites us to access its original feeling.

A space of prophecies, latent and denied knowledges shrinking away from binarity. Disseminated rituals across new ways of doing, spaces for propositions evading a limitant reason.

A scenario for healing without even knowing how long that moment may last. A frame for a ritual, traces of light and shadow, whispers crossing our feet.

We cross the verge and we mutate bodies, circulating across a space of adoration and pause,
daydream and emptiness, where shadows,
failed plans, cover us presenting the listening of those voices from the substratum.

The clearing in the forest is an offering, a recovery. A place of encounter where to shed our skin, remodel the emptiness, listening, a space for a collective reborn.

The brighting light, discordant, appears over a sky, ‘discontinuous, a clearing itself too’3 .

Zambrano, María
Claros del bosque
(Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1977)

Ibid, p.27

Ibid, p.30

Julia Creuheras Fuente de Talismanes Hilo de plata tejido, clavo, fieltro, huevo de avestruz, motor y chip. (70x40 cm) 2020
Julia Creuheras Fuente de Talismanes Hilo de plata tejido, clavo, fieltro, huevo de avestruz, motor y chip. (70x40 cm) 2020
Installation View Claro del bosque, Intersticio
Installation View Claro del bosque, Intersticio
Maren Karlson Pupa's Path Lápiz sobre lienzo. (48,2x35,5 cm) 2020
Maren Karlson Pupa's Path Lápiz sobre lienzo. (48,2x35,5 cm) 2020
Maren Karlson Viriditas Lápiz sobre lienzo. (48,2x35,5 cm) 2020
Maren Karlson Viriditas Lápiz sobre lienzo. (48,2x35,5 cm) 2020
Lucía Bayón Tempered I Cemento sobre tabla, masilla epoxi, carbón, resinas vegetales, goma laca, hierro forjado. (30x60x3 cm) 2020
Lucía Bayón Tempered I Cemento sobre tabla, masilla epoxi, carbón, resinas vegetales, goma laca, hierro forjado. (30x60x3 cm) 2020
Installation View Claro del bosque, Intersticio
Installation View Claro del bosque, Intersticio
Julia Creuheras Holy Motors Galio, estaño, yeso, motor y chip. (30x20 cm) 2020
Julia Creuheras Holy Motors Galio, estaño, yeso, motor y chip. (30x20 cm) 2020
Andrés Izquierdo Departure Wood, polystrene, steel, paraffin, candle mesh, synthetic varnish (150x150x115 cm) 2021
Andrés Izquierdo Departure Wood, polystrene, steel, paraffin, candle mesh, synthetic varnish (150x150x115 cm) 2021