Half Life at Franz Kaka

Half Life

Franz Kaka

October 20 - November 18, 2023

A life folds into a shoebox into a storage into a warehouse. A warehouse folds into a squat into a cinema into a brewery. A brewery folds into a studio into a start-up and then a brewery again, which folds into a gallery into a hotel into a condo. A condo multiplies with velocity into a highrise at half the time we were expecting. The tram tracks have reached the neighborhood at twice the time we were expecting.

Back on the ground, a florist folds into a vape store into another start-up. And then a bar.In the bar Kenny sings about how to fold ‘em. Ironically though. A corner store folds into a cafe into a co-working space into a children’s boutique, and then unfolds back into a corner store. That’s trust. A finger rolls the final cigarette paper over. A police station opens in the lobby. And then a prison.

A laundromat folds into a tailor into a dry-cleaner into another laundromat. It’s the district for that. A matchbook folds upon a phone number, into a pocket, which folds into a lifestyle. Handkerchiefs once folded, body parts too. There’s an app for that now, so laundromats return to strictly washing clothes again. Quite cleanly. A lover folds the trousers of another lover, sadly. But back to the shoebox: two more blondes move into my building; my favorite neighbor folds.

I fold myself into a crevice between economy class and the toilets, having found a spot for the artworks to journey. I return to my seat and fold the safety buckle over. A traveling grandmother folds her hands on her lap and puts her head upon my shoulder. We share sweets. We share codes. We can’t speak. We fold into one another; we take each other into the fold.

– Elif Saydam for Nooshin Askari, Serminaz Barseghian, Adam Fearon, Rebekka Hilmer Heltoft, Siyi Li, François Pisapia and Ursula Pürrer

Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka
Installation View, Half life, 2023, Toronto, Courtesy of Franz Kaka